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Tropical Leaves

T R A N S P E R S O N A L   H Y P N O T H E R A P Y


Shalva Amos is offering sessions of Transpersonal Hypnotherapy through guided meditation/relaxation.

It will allow you to access the traumas recorded in your subconscious in order to deal with them.

We might start from a difficulty that is recurrent in our life, from a situation we feel constantly overwhelmed by, a trigger that shut us down or push us to explode for no logical reason, or sometimes from an inexplainable anxiety/ pain, physical chronic pain etc…


The subconscious will take us back in time when this feeling appeared first and we discover what trauma is associated to it. Once we got there, we are dealing with it through different technics, Forgiveness/Omega/Gestalt therapy and more…


In some cases, many years of therapy on the conscious level won’t be successful in changing the outcome of traumas recorded on the subconscious level. They are sometimes due to a minor cause, but because we can’t access them easily through the conscious level, they keep running the show there, behaving as viruses. They become a trigger and every time a similar situation to the original traumatic event is happening, the trigger button is pushed, becoming bigger and bigger.

In order to deal with them, we need to track them and reprogram them where they are recorded: Within the subconscious itself

Foggy Lake

Transpersonal Hypnotherapy
is the most holistic branch of Hypnotherapy.

It aims to facilitate one’s inner journeys and reconnect with one's inner wisdom and life purpose.
It takes you to the past, sometimes as far as past lives to find the root cause of your problematic.

How do traumas cross the border of subconscious?


Everything that happens before 5 years old is automatically recorded in the subconscious as young children don’t have yet the proper filters to analyse a situation. After around 5 or 6 years old, our ability to analyse a situation increase.

For older children and adults, unfiltered emotions can integrate our subconscious directly only when we are shocked or surprised.




How do we access the subconscious with Meditation?


In a conscious state, the brain generates waves at the rate of 14 to 30 cps (cycle per second), it’s called the Beta waves.

The subconscious goes from Alpha waves (8-3 cps) which is the meditation or day dreaming state, to Theta waves (4-7cps), to reach finally the Delta waves (0.05-3.5cps) which is total unconsciousness (we spend about 40 minutes per night in this state). The Alpha waves already allow to access the information needed, you become open to memories, ideas, emotions.

Your body feels heavy and relaxed, your eyes might feel lethargic, your breathing, pulse and elocution become very slow. Most of the time we don’t need to go further than Alpha waves to access information.



How does a session go?


You are sitting comfortably and go through a meditation/relaxation induction. You are going to be using your power of visualisation first to access informations, then the rest will come to you. The whole time you are aware of what you are doing, saying and can decide at every moment to stop the process. The success of this operation depends on how deep you want to introspect yourself, how ready you are to let go and be open to new experiences and emotional work.



Is this for you?


If you are highly critical, analytical and very controlling, you might have a hard time playing the game. The facilitator is there only to guide you through this journey, but it’s your journey. It is an amazing spiritual experience and you need to decide if you trust the facilitator and the process to co-operate fully. It can be a very emotional time and everything you find out is coming from you, not from any external suggestion. Putting on the side the judging/ analysing reflex for the time of the therapy will help you go through this journey.



How far back can we regress?


Your subconscious will take you to the root cause of your problem,  it could be 10 years before, it could be to the day you were born, it could be in the womb of your mother, it could even be in a past life… You will go where you need to go to resolve that issue.



How many sessions do I need, to deal with one problematic?


It’s often done in 1 or 2 sessions. It all depends on how many problematics are linked together.

Each session lasts approximately two and half hours, sometimes three. During regression you loose the notion of time. It will seem to you as it went very quickly. During a regression we can sometimes discover very sensitive topics that need to be treated before we can come back to the present time, otherwise it would be like reopening a wound without treating it. Therefore, plan at least three hours. It is recommended to rest afterwards, take some time alone for yourself to recover.



What can I expect after this sessions?


You will feel more free, balanced and grounded than ever.



Are there any contraindications?


If you have a history of Epilepsy, this therapy is not indicated especially on line.



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