Une partie de l'art du shaman
est le voyage dans des mondes invisibles
au-delà de la "réalité ordinaire"
pour ramener l'harmonie
dans les différentes dimensions
De quoi s'agit-il?
I have been initiated to Core Shamanism which is a shamanic practice that englobes the universal spiritual healing practices common to the main indigenous cultures. It excludes rituals, beliefs and practices that are specific to different tribes.
These are merely spiritual technics that can be practiced in very different ways according to the background and beliefs of each practitioner. Each one connects and develop these technics following their own beliefs and spiritual/religious practice.
There is not, one way to practice this ancestral wisdom, but a thousand ways. It became today, a generic word; just as priesthood is the light holder of religious spirituality, and it takes different forms in each culture, shamanism is the priesthood of healing, and each culture is practicing it according to their own set of beliefs and customs.
It is true that the shamanic practices which remain known today, are mainly those of the indigenous people who survived the modern times, but every single culture used to have their shaman; a healer who was deeply connected with the spiritual worlds and the Earth. They have disappeared in most places, due to persecutions just as medicine women were burnt in middle age. Nonetheless, today as we are witnessing a renewal of interest for holistic medicine, people are reminded to reconnect and revive their own spiritual healing heritage, partly thanks to the cultures that succeeded to preserve their own, and to whom we owe a lot of gratitude.
Most western people who present themselves as "Shaman" are not shamans, and let's make it clear; I am not a shaman either. Being a shaman in the traditional indigenous way requires years of dedication, commitment, and deep inner work in the forest; it's a way of life. Some people borrow shamanic technics, or sometimes a shamanic vibe as it became a trendy thing, but I think that, out of respect for the indigenous cultures, we can more safely speak about a shamanic inspiration that reminds us to align with our own divine power and to reconnect with our own spiritual healing heritage.
Ma pratique
J'ai initialement appris le "Core Shamanism" qui est une pratique chamanique globale et n'inclut pas les rituels spécifiques à chaque tribu et differentes cultures chamaniques.
Ma propre pratique de la guérison chamanique est une pratique integrative, inspiree de l'influence de mes guides et de mes ancêtres, mais egalement emprunte d'autres modalites de guerison energetiques que je pratique.
Dans certains cas, il convient d'utiliser la méthode traditionnelle, dans d'autres cas, une certaine créativité est requise :)
Bien que j'aie tendance à expliquer le processus avant de commencer, la plupart du temps, la guérison divine se déroule dans l'ordre qui lui convient.​ Car, c'est tout l'art de la guérison, laisser toute la place au Divin pour faire son propre travail :)