The very thin line between Fatality and Surrendering...
A spiritual journey is a very individual experience and can take so many different forms. It could happen through sickness, through parenting, travelling, poverty or too much wealth, through any challenge we have to overcome. It's going through an experience that accelerates our spiritual or emotional maturation in an exponential way.
It can also be an active quest to connect with our higher self and highest potential.
We live in a world that offers profusely both opportunities for connection and disconnection at an accelerated rate. For those seeking disconnection, the media and virtual world offer everything you can dream of to keep you busy... And for those seeking connection, so many methods and options are available. Those methods had to be sought through hardship until a few years ago, but the veil of illusion is getting torn up now, and nowadays it doesn't take as much effort to see through for those ready and willing to see.
Most of the time, the first part of that journey is about healing, reaching a form of inner peace, before moving on to journeying through different spiritual realms and higher forms of perception.
"A form of inner peace"? Isn't that already of form of achievement? I would say that yes definitely, but it actually can be reached more easily than you think. In the beginning, it's really about stopping the fighting and letting go. Letting go even when we haven't found answers. Letting go even when it still hurts. Letting go even when we're still in complete darkness. Surrender. Letting go of the idea that I know exactly how it should be, or where it should lead, being open to the new, to the magic of the Universe supporting you and your journeys.
It's very different to despair, different to giving up.
The right balance between "subjecting to merciless fate" and surrendering is an art, a subtle art that tells you when to interfere and when to let go. It's a dance every enlightened apprentice learns to master on their spiritual path.