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Cutting the energetic cord that keeps you bounded to your aggressor


Updated: Jan 27, 2022

When you discharge your rage or anger on someone else, aggress someone verbally or physically or even slyly, your first sensation is to feel relieved. That relief is possible only because there was a transfer of negative energy.

Beyond the emotional or physical abuse, the victim also receives a mass of negative energy that is now theirs to carry and which they will learn to live with. This anger, frustration, hatred, whatever was transferred, will become theirs, their self destruction. It will damage their system from within like a trojan horse. The victim will eventually look to transfer that energy to someone else when it becomes too heavy to carry. As long as the victim feels resentment towards their aggressor, even on a subconscious level, they authorise and nourish the presence of the energetic poisoned cord between them.

With time, victims don't remember which part is theirs and which part belongs to the aggressor; they think it belongs to them. They made it theirs until they realise that as long as they accept to hold onto it, they remain a victim for life. They don't know that it's an energy that doesn't belong to them, that they can give it back.

Is it about sending it back to the aggressor?

This ping pong party will not end, but if you have been that victim, you can stop the chain by transmuting this energy.

Call the greatest transmuter! Mother Earth!

There is one place where you can pour the negative energy that was given to you without perpetuating the chain. It's Earth

Don't worry for her, she knows how to recycle it. Allow her to hold space for you, cleanse you, nourish you... Go to nature, anywhere you can touch earth, a tree. If you can't go out, visualise earth and sit for a ritual.

Invite your negative emotions in front of you. Interview them one by one, ask them where they come from, who invited them in your life. If you can remember their origin it's good, otherwise it's fine don't worry. Touch earth with your hands with respect, ask for permission to pour the negative energy in it in order to be transmuted and recycle it into positive energy.

Set the intention to cut any link with the origin of this emotion, allow your heart to release any resentment that traps that poisonous energy inside of you. Stay there until you feel the transfer has been done. Accept to give back what's not yours. Your forgiveness will not absolve anything, but it will free you. Give back everything.

When you feel calm and neutral, take a little break, then ask for permission to be nurtured with positive energy both from earth and from the cosmos.

Open your crown chakra and invite divine healing and repairing light into you Quand vous vous sentez calme et neutre, prenez une petite pose. Visualise the light filling up your body, your magnetic field, visualise it overflowing your house, your city, your country, then earth... Express your gratitude for this experience of transmuting negative energy into a positive one and do it any time you realise you don't have to carry a negative energy inside of you:) (Published in Avril 2017)

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