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Tropical Leaves


Super Health Food

What does your body
want to tell you?

Allergies & Intolerances can be tested with Kinesiology.

Kinesiology is a muscle testing method that is allowing to test your field's reaction to anything.

In this case, we are using it to test your body's reaction to any substance you might be allergic or intolerant to.


It can be done at a distance using your picture since your field information can be accessed from anywhere in the world.


This tool can be very useful especially when testing babies or animals who can't express themselves and reactions can be hard to evaluate.

It can be good to evaluate some crossed intolerances as well. In some cases small amount are acceptables, Kinesiology will give you the acceptable amount you can have per day or week or month, which can be very helpful when one has a difficult time replacing a basic food item.

The test can be done for food, but also cosmetic or household products, a plant, or anything the person might be exposed to that is susceptible to create a reaction.





When Heavy metals are at stake

Sometimes allergic reactions that are apparently caused by food can actually be triggered by the presence of heavy metals in the body.

A detox treatment can ameliorate the allergic tendency. 

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