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H  O  M  E  O  P  A  T  H  Y

Homeopathy is a vibrational medicine that allows to address all the dimensions of your being at once.

The physical, energetic, emotional and mental bodies are communicating vessels that cannot be apprehended separately.


Trying to heal from a cancer or an ulcer or any disorder, without addressing the mental and emotional aspect of the disease is like trying to dry out a flooding without closing the valve that caused it.


Therefore, a true healing always involves dealing with at least those four layers and sometimes with more, if we’re taking into consideration the spiritual body and beyond… Homeopathy allows to take into consideration all those aspects at once amazingly.

The selected remedy will have to integrate all the different aspects of one being, and respecting the human experience that is sometimes called disease.


Homeopathic Bottles




When you chose the path of Homeopathy, you’re not going to the "garage" for a "quick fix", you're going on a healing journey.


It is a self-healing journey as well as a coordinated work between you and the practitioner that can start when you have decided you are ready to give yourself or your little ones the time to heal deeply. You will learn important keys about healing and allow it to unfold in its own rhythm.

It’s a very empowering experience that allows you to own your self-healing, as it is a process of realignment between Mind, body, spirit and soul.


There are a lot of misconceptions about Homeopathy. 

One of them is that we need to wait long before seeing any results, that Homeopathy doesn't treat acute crisis but only chronic cases...


The fact is that Homeopathy works amazingly on acute crises and it is an invaluable tool for mums that need to address emergency situations. In acute crises, when the remedy is right, the effects of the remedy are felt within the next 30 minutes or following hour. 

In chronic cases, the effects are more subtle and results are unfolding in the long-term.

One of the reasons is that a patient presenting a chronic pathology has usually been given a number of drugs before consulting a homeopath. The odds are that most of those drugs have been suppressive drugs, which means that they were meant to suppress the symptoms instead of curing which of course causes the development of new and more severe pathologies. That history delays the progress we can expect as the body needs first to detox from those drugs and reinitiate a direction of cure that allows it to express the sickness in order to be treated instead of suppressing it.





Shalva AMOS has been trained in classical homeopathy and is graduated from "The School of Homeopathy" (Strand, England).

Her practice in diverse emotional healing modalities brought her naturally to treat people who are ready to gain a certain awareness of their healing process and who are ready to work on every level in order to reach integrated healing.

Shalva is using a method integrating Kinesiology with Homeopathy which is very helpful to select the right remedy and assess the patient's progress. It is also functioning for remote online consultations where the tests can be done through a picture or online.


If you would like more information about homeopathy, feel free to consult the following links:






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