Extracts of Shamanic Journeys
I am sharing here a few extracts from Guided Shamanic journeys that have been conducted under my supervision.
These journeys are conducted in an altered state of consciousness that allow the "traveler" to receive information directly from the higher spirit of a specie of a light being.
Below you will find communications from whales that were initiated by them spontaneously during a journey.
The Whales
Catalina – August, 2021
C: A whale is coming now...
She’s talking about the vibration of the sound.
She says that everybody must find their own sound. She is very compassionate.
She’s showing me the expansion of the frequency we can create.
We can reactivate the water with sound in order to heal the water.
“When I emit a sound in the ocean,” she says, “I have the intention to create expansion.
When I tune in and center, I can make this vibration.”
Everything is “water”, not only the Ocean.
You can recreate that vibration inside of you, or in specific places, like lakes.
Put a specific sound in the water you drink.
Allow yourself to vibrate with the sound.
The water needs to vibrate, as very small vibrations awaken the memory.
The water needs to be in movement, even with an electric system, it’s better than nothing.
The sound is shaping it and harmonizing it.
More Whales
Elizabeth – July 2, 2023
Elizabeth is merging with a whale.
Merging with the spirit of a being is one of the
techniques used in shamanic practices that allow a transcendent meeting with the essence of that being.
E: Being a whale is so relaxing for my back.
I could live here forever...
They have above them a yellow ball;
it fades into green and then, the ocean blue above their head.
It’s a very strong bright yellow light on my face... They travel with it.
Hum... I’m receiving information through this ball. They know everything through it.
Whales are masters, consciousness carriers.
Their whole body runs on light and consciousness primarily received through the energy of the plankton they eat.
Their bodies are nurtured and created to be so big, because of the power of the energy they carry.
This ball is connected to their etheric field and they pull information from it.
Through it, they share the same consciousness and information between all whales.
S: Is this ball like a cloud? A computer server they share information from?
E: Yes. But this cloud is more like a yellow pearl...
They are so filled with love and joy.
They can hear us now.
S: Hello! Can we play with you?
E: They laugh so big from their stomach.
They are very welcoming and loving.
“We also sing songs because we enjoy singing,” they say.
“We feel joy very strongly. We understand everything, including the serious parts, but we heal by feeling joy.”
... Hum... Seaweed is good for joy apparently.
S: How are you able to generate joy in sad situations?
E: “We are never individually sad, we feel collective joy and collective seriousness; so we send healing where it needs to go.”
S: What prevents people from feeling the joy you’re sending?
E: “We have tried many things. We come to you in stories, and people are told to listen to whale songs...
We are all trying to communicate with humans.
Some species have given up because they consider that they haven’t succeeded much, but then they became less conscious too.
We all have a pact; we have chosen to do this together. When one chooses to stop, one loses the pact of collective consciousness that takes all of us to the next step; therefore, they can’t rise with the collective.”
When one species chooses to disconnect from the pact, it’s like losing their magic power.
I see some animals in Africa; they’re losing their consciousness.
They don’t remember much...
They don’t hear the other species any more.
“It is sad they didn’t understand the importance of keeping trying,” the whales say.
“They thought: what’s the point if humans don’t listen? But, giving up has affected a higher dimension of themselves.
Some animal species that gave up on the pact are trying to come back, and they are being supported in doing that.
We can’t leave each other behind.
When one species steps out of the pact, they impact everyone, but also themselves.
All the species consciousness’s contribute to elevate the collective consciousness.”
S: Did humans step out of the pact?
E: “As a species, humans have not made the conscious choice to step out and stop listening, even though many have disconnected.”
S: What allows some humans to hear you versus someone else who’s trying to listen and can’t?
E: From our perspective, we haven’t found the answer for why some people don’t hear us.
There are many possibilities to open Human consciousness, but we can’t raise the veil for them; they have to do their part.
Humans all sing a different song.
They have to find their own song so then they can tune into the collective song and hear it.
When humans remember why they are here; they open the door to the heart of collective consciousness.”
S: Is remembering why they are here, like remembering their song?
E: “That’s what whales teach.
Many people are now awakening to their heart and remember their song.
The state they are reaching where there is flow, synchronicity, joy, abundance; this is because they have connected to the collective consciousness through discovering the true notes of their song, and feeling how their heart was strung together to play this tune.
That is spiritual awakening.
People who can’t remember any of it are lost.”
S: How can people awaken their memory?
E:“There are some low sounds that shift spiritual blockages. You can explore this as well.”
S: Is there a specific frequency you would recommend?
E:“Ocean frequency is good because we are made of water.
One way to remember your song is by asking yourselves out loud: What would I like to see more of in the world, what do I need?
Whatever that answer is; that is what you can bring to the world too.
If people are looking for something they don’t find enough of; a community for example, then their job is to create more community.”
S: So, you are saying that, by doing their work, they are reminded even more of their song, which allows them to tune into the collective song.
E: Yes. Humans just have to ask out loud; the energy they need will come to them.
People already have an inner knowledge of what they need to do, they just need to tune in and ask themselves. Just state: “I am ready, what must I do?”
And the answers will come.