Imagine if you could hear what Nature had to say to Humanity.
What if you could tune into the consciousness of mountains, oceans, rocks, crystals, birds, elementals, and have a free conversation with them?
What if there were messages from higher Light beings waiting in your ethereal mailbox and you could open them now?
This book is the culmination of a two-year project that sought to provide a communication platform for the beings coexisting in our realm and listen to their perspective on our shared journey. Numerous spirits of Nature and Light beings have responded to the call, offering either requests or messages of guidance to support Humanity and the planet in its transition to the new Earth.
Shalva AMOS is introducing here her groundbreaking method, GSJ® (Guided Shamanic Journeys), which has emerged from years of research dedicated to facilitating accelerated consciousness awakening and profound healing. In the context of this project, three “travellers” from different backgrounds have been trained in the use of GSJ® which is used here as a conduit to communicate with the spirits of Nature and download information from Universal consciousness. Through their experiences, they invite you to embark on immersive journeys, where you will venture into parallel worlds, inner dimensions, and enchanting universes that your soul inherently knows. Within these pages, lies the essence of remembering the secrets you already possess but may have forgotten how to access. It serves as a gateway, a portal that can enable a giant leap to the next level of your spiritual evolution, inner peace and healing.
This book also aims to remind people the nature of their multidimensional existence, opening up a broader perspective on the nature of our physical incarnation and inspiring a desire to connect and see through the beings that surrounds us. Through these journeys, we come to realise the profound impact all beings have on countless planes and dimensions, gaining a heightened awareness of the interconnectedness of all existence. The messages shared here remind us how much power and Light we are holding, how much beauty we can create and how to embrace the limitless possibilities that await.
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